Lock-In the Heat & Lock-Out the Cold

Lock-In the Heat & Lock-Out the Cold

Getting Energy Ready for Winter

As cold weather creeps toward us, use this checklist of simple and effective ways to make your home more comfortable and keep those escalating energy bills at bay.

Check for Leaks

Weatherstripping and caulking are probably the least expensive, simplest, most effective way to cut down on energy waste in the winter. Improperly sealed homes can waste 10 to 15 percent of the homeowner’s heating dollars. Take these steps:

  1. Check for leaks and drafts around each door and window. Add weather-stripping and caulk any holes you see that might allow heat to escape. Make sure doors seal properly.
  2. If your windows leak really badly, consider replacing them with newer, more efficient ones. Keep in mind, however, that replacing windows can be expensive – it could take awhile to recover your costs from the energy savings alone.
  3. Every duct, wire or pipe that comes through the wall or ceiling or floor has the potential to waste energy. Plumbing vents can be especially bad since they begin below the floor and go all the way through the roof. Seal them all with caulking or weather-stripping.
  4. Don’t forget to close the damper on your fireplace. Of course, the damper needs to be open if a fire is burning; but if the damper is open when you’re not using the fireplace, your chimney is basically a large open window that pushes warm air out of the room and creates a draft.
  5. Check your house’s heating ducts for leaks. Your ductwork acts as large hoses, that bring hot air instead of water into your house. Since they are mostly out of sight, ducts can leak for years without you knowing it.

Check Your Insulation

  1. Insulate your attic. Especially in older homes, the attic can be the most cost-efficient way to cut home heating costs.
  2. Weather-strip and insulate your attic door to keep warm air from escaping out of the top of your house.
  3. Open wall tops and duct, plumbing, or electrical runs create holes that run through your home. Try to keep these sealed. Any hole that leads from a basement or crawlspace to an attic is a big energy waster.

Check Your Heating System

  1. Get a routine maintenance and inspection of your heating system each spring and autumn to make sure it is in good working order.
  2. Replace your heater’s air filter as recommended by the manufacturer. Your heating system will work less hard, use less energy and last longer as a result.
  3. Make sure all heating vents are opened and unblocked by furniture or other items. This will ensure that the air is evenly distributed through the home.

For routine inspection, or help to keep your system up to date, call the experts at Alpine Temperature Control in St. George, Utah today! Our knowledgeable professionals will answer all of your questions and show you have to keep your energy costs down during the colder months of the year.
