
7 04, 2017

Why Is My Air Conditioner Loud?

Is your air conditioner loud? Most air conditioners are noisy because they are large machines with many parts that are working to produce cool air for your home. If you are noticing your air conditioner [...]

7 03, 2017

AFUE Rating Explained

A furnace is rated for its efficient use of fuel that it uses to heat your home. This rating is called the 'AFUE rating'. AFUE stands for annual fuel utilization efficiency. This refers to the [...]

27 02, 2017

Are Smart Thermostats Worth It

Most, if not all, modern homes are now constructed with wireless devices to make adjusting heating and cooling easy. For example, all you need is an internet connection. A smart thermostat is required to control [...]

3 02, 2017

Why Is My Furnace Humming?

Your furnace makes all sorts of noises and most of them are part of the regular day-to-day operation of your HVAC system. A loose venting system can rattle or your furnace could be "kicking on". [...]

24 01, 2017

Why Is My Furnace Leaking?

A leaky furnace could mean quite a few things from condensation or faulty parts to a system clog. Let's cover each issue a little further to give you a better idea of which you may [...]

28 12, 2016

Why Is My Furnace Making A Clicking Noise?

Your furnace is most likely making a clicking noise due to your furnace's spark igniter trying to ignite the pilot light/burners. A repeated clicking indicates a failure/system malfunction. This problem is especially troublesome when you [...]

10 12, 2016

Insulating Your Home

Insulating your home is an investment that is commonly overlooked. Half of the energy we use to heat or cool our homes can simply leak out without insulation. Insulation helps to: save money on your [...]